Disinfecting and Odor Elimination Services

Over time, all vehicles build up odors from regular use! We battle odor elimination in three ways.
From everyday food and beverages spills, that fall into hard to clean areas. To tobacco fumes which can penetrate every crack and crevice, leaving a smoky residue which clings to the ceiling and other interior surfaces. This also includes pet and body odors which can cause interior seats and carpets to smell.
Step 1: Finding the source!
Finding the source of the odor is the most important! Then if needed, performing a complete Interior Detail.
Step 2: How long has it been since you changed your cabin air filter?
What is a Cabin Air Filter?
A cabin air filter shouldn’t be confused with your engine’s air filter, although they perform similar functions. Whereas the engine’s air filter ensures clean air gets to the engine, the cabin air filter stops contaminants such as dirt, dust, smoke, smog, pollen, mold spores, and exhaust gases from entering the cabin of a vehicle through the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system. It also keeps out other debris, such as bugs, rodent droppings, and leaves.
Cabin air filters are typically rectangular and made of paper and a mix of other fibrous materials. They have pleats to better catch the contaminants. When air passes over the cabin air filter, debris is trapped by the filter and stopped rather than being pumped into the car. Eventually, that debris builds up, and the filter needs to be changed to continue to work efficiently.
What Happens if Your Cabin Air Filter is Dirty?
Dangers abound if you don’t replace your cabin air filter regularly. Here are a few of the risks a dirty cabin air filter poses.
**Health troubles: A functional cabin air filter is essential in keeping the inside of a vehicle free of pollutants. A cabin air filter that’s dirty or clogged won’t filter those contaminants, causing problems for those who suffer from allergies or have breathing difficulties. A good rule of thumb is to replace your cabin air filter every February, before spring allergy season arrives, especially if you live in an area with a lot of trees. A new cabin air filter will prevent pollen from making its way into a vehicle and causing its occupants to start sneezing, or even worse.
**HVAC system will run poorly: A cabin air filter left in place beyond its life span will make a vehicle’s HVAC system work harder, which can cause the motor to burn up. Dirty or clogged cabin air filters will reduce the amount of air flowing from the vents. That affects cabin air temperature, which depends on a steady flow of air passing through the heater core, evaporator or both components. Not changing your cabin air filter will make your HVAC system work much harder.
**Poor window fog clearing: Another problem that arises when airflow is compromised is that windows won’t clear as quickly. Also, the diminished air quality that comes from a cabin air filter that’s overdue to be replaced allows condensation to form on the windshield. Once the cabin air filter is replaced, there will be less fog buildup on the windshield.
**Foul odors: Dirty or excessively clogged cabin air filters can produce a dusty, musty stench, especially when the HVAC system is turned on. Changing your cabin air filter at regular intervals will ensure that your passengers don’t have to wind down their windows in the dead of winter to get some fresh air.
Do You Need to Change Your Cabin Air Filter?
In a word: absolutely. So, what’s a good rule of thumb? Most manufacturers suggest swapping it out every 12,000 to 30,000 miles, depending on the specific vehicle. If you live in a heavily polluted area or routinely drive on dirt roads that kick up a lot of dust, you’d be wise to replace it even sooner. Allergy sufferers or those with compromised respiratory systems might consider getting a new one after as few as 5,000 miles.
Step 3: Ozone Treatment for your vehicle:
Ozone exists in the ozone layer region of the atmosphere to protect human beings from the sunlight. We also sense its fresh and clean smell after thunderstorms.
Ozone contains three atoms of oxygen. The third oxygen atom makes ozone extremely reactive, which readily attaches itself to other molecules. When pollutants meet ozone, oxidation reactions occur and both parties are destroyed.
Ozone shock treatment is a process in which an Ozone Generator is placed inside the vehicle and with the use of high voltage electricity turns Oxygen (O2) into Ozone (O3) which eliminates the vehicle's interior environment
Ozone Treatment eliminates VIRUS'S, BACTERIA, POLLEN, BAD ODORS and CIGARETTE SMOKE with the high levels of ions it generates.
Ozone as a Disinfectant to Destroy Pathogens, like the Coronavirus
Coronavirus is the leading news headline today. There are many ways to disinfect, but ozone has a 99% effectiveness when killing pathogens like the flu, SARS, and the Coronavirus.
What is the Coronavirus? The coronavirus (COVID-19), is closely related to the SARS virus (COV-2). According to the World Health Organization, coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause illnesses ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV).
How does ozone kill a virus? Typically, viruses are small, independent particles, built of crystals and macromolecules that multiply only within the host cell. The new coronavirus is considered an “enveloped virus.” Enveloped viruses are usually more sensitive to physico-chemical challenges. In past studies, 99% of viruses have been damaged or destroyed after 30 seconds of exposure to ozone. Ozone destroys viruses by diffusing through the protein coat into the nucleic acid core, resulting in damage of the viral RNA. At higher concentrations, ozone destroys the exterior protein shell by oxidation.
Ozone gas has been proven to kill the SARS coronavirus. Because the structure of the new Covid -19 is almost identical, it is somewhat safe to believe that it will also work on the new coronavirus. Currently, there are more than 17 scientific studies that prove ozone gas can destroy the SARS coronavirus.
Call us at 541-604-6658 and let us refresh your vehicle today!